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→ Archeology of everyday life: objects of use, by André Parente and Katia Maciel

→ Hello, is this Leticia? by André Parente

→ The measure of the house is the body, by Katia Maciel

→ Letícia Parente's video art, by Rogerio Luz

→ the third way. Interview by Fernando Cochiaralle

→ an apparent world, by Jorge La Ferla

→ I world of meby Clarissa Diniz

→ Persistence of consciousness: marks of identity, by Cristina Tejo

→ Letícia Parente: video art and the mobilization of the body, by Claudio Costa

→ Portrait of Letícia Parente

 (notebook by Fernando Cocchiaralle - PDF, 1.5MB)

→ Measurements, inside and outby Roberto Pontual (PDF, 56KB)

texts about letícia

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